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Not sure what you need? Email me! jessica@jsafaviconsulting.com


My name is Jess, and I am here to help you elevate your biz!

Hey there! I'm Jess, your go-to Online Business Manager passionate about empowering small businesses like yours. In 2020, I started my virtual assistant journey but quickly realized that the entrepreneurs I worked with needed more than admin support. They craved a strategic partner to bounce ideas off and turn visions into reality.

With a retail management, business administration, and publishing background, I've honed my skills through various experiences, from big corporations to small startups. I've played a pivotal role in transforming startups into industry powerhouses, mastering everything from corporate budgeting to overseeing the launch of diverse brands.

Now, my focus is squarely on helping small businesses unlock their potential. Whether it's crafting stunning Shopify websites, devising dynamic marketing campaigns, or fine-tuning copy that resonates with your audience, I've got you covered. My expertise in e-commerce, paired with a knack for both digital and print publishing, comes together with savvy marketing insights to tailor strategies that align with your unique business goals.

Let's team up and navigate the exciting realm of possibilities together. Your journey may not be easy, but we'll make it smoother with my assistance. Ready to elevate your business game? Email me at jessica@jsafaviconsulting.com, and let's make waves in the world of small business success! Email me! jessica@jsafaviconsulting.com